Workshop Agenda
OpenADR 2.0 Big Picture and Services
- OpenADR 2.0 Origins and Actors
- Usage Model
- Exchange Patterns
- Transports
- Security
- Services
- Registration Service
- Event Service
- Reporting Service
- Opt Service
- Features and Functions Summary
OpenADR DR Programs Best Practices
- The Challenge
- Program Templates & OpenADR Characteristics
- Capacity Bidding Program
- Critical Peak Pricing Program
- Distributed Energy Resources DR Program
- Fast DR Dispatch Program
- Public Station Electric Vehicle Real-Time Pricing Program (EVP)
- Residential Electric Vehicle Time of Use Program
- Thermostat Program
- Deployment Scenarios
- Direct
- Facilitator Model
- Aggregator Model
Implementing OpenADR
- OpenADR Implementations
- Overview of Certified Product Offerings
- Demo of Open Source VEN and VTN
- Test Harness and Test Methods
- Development Resources and Tools
- Technical Q&A
OpenADR in the Future
- OpenADR and DER Integration
- OpenADR and the Internet of Things
- OpenADR and IoT use case
- Demo of IoT Implementation of OpenADR VEN
- OpenADR and Transactive Energy

Note: Portland Oregon Workshop is cancelled. Sign up for Seattle!
Tuesday, September 27 - Pacific Tower, Seattle
Workshop Registration Fee
$200 - OpenADR Alliance Members and non-members.