Automated demand response key to intermittent renewables

21. August 2012 |By:  Becky Beetz

Automated demand response, or AutoDR could cost-effectively help combat intermittent renewable energy supply, particularly in light of the current high costs of grid-connected storage batteries.

By 2020, many countries, states and regions expect to generate a certain percentage of their electricity from renewables, like wind and solar. In the European Union, this target is 20%, for example, while in the U.S. state of California, it is 33%.

While these goals are positive, if not exactly over-ambitious, storage solutions are currently costly and technology is still being developed, meaning intermittency issues  are a very present challenge for the energy industry.


New OpenADR Spec Will Boost Auto-Demand Response

Marianne Hedin — August 18, 2012

The long-awaited OpenADR 2.0a profile specification was launched on August 8. Expected to have a positive impact on the demand response (DR) market, especially automated DR (ADR), the new spec will spur the development and deployment of new OpenADR-certified smart grid technologies that utilities and grid operators across the world can use to facilitate and augment DR programs.  In particular, devices based on this new specification will operate on a lower-cost, faster, and more reliable and efficient communications system.  Using a common language (XML) and existing Internet technology, DR signals can be sent directly from a demand response automated server (DRAS) via a client to the building automation and control systems on customer sites.  Thanks to this two-way messaging capability between a DRAS, which publishes information, and a client that subscribes to the information, utilities, grid operators, and curtailment service providers (CSPs) will be able to manage peak demand and load shifting in an automated fashion.

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QualityLogic - OpenADR 2.0a Compliance Test Harness Released

Used for Certification Testing by OpenADR Alliance and Vendor Pre-Tests


Aug 17, 2012 - In conjunction with the release of the OpenADR 2.0a Profile Specification, the OpenADR Alliance has announced the release of the OpenADR 2.0a Certification Test Harness. Developed by Alliance testing partner QualityLogic, the Certification Test Harness is available to OpenADR 2.0a implementers for pre-testing and development, and it will also be used by the Alliance for final certification of devices for compliance with the 2.0a specification. Early adopters have already begun pre-testing their products with the test harness.

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PG&E Issues RFI for OpenADR 2.0

July 31, 2012 -- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) issued a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit information and conceptual ideas from manufacturers and technology providers capable of supporting PG&E in testing and demonstrating an OpenADR 2.0 2-way communicating thermostat solution for Small Medium Business (SMB) electric customers within its service territory. PG&E categorize customer less than 200kW peak demand in the SMB category.

PG&E anticipates that this Request for Information will result in information that will enable them to develop a detailed set of requirements for communicating with thermostats in order to identify Suppliers that will best support PG&E’s goals for the SMB ADR Demonstration Project (Project).
PG&E is interested in OpenADR 2.0 programmable communicating thermostats (PCT) that can provide customers with greater visibility and control over their HVAC energy use for Demand Response and other energy management purpose.
Click here to download the PG&E RFI documents.
RFI submissions are due 8/17/2012.


QualityLogic to Offer OpenADR 2.0 Start-up Workshops

One-day training course targeted at utilities, device manufacturers and aggregators


Jun 06, 2012 - QualityLogic Inc. announced that it will offer one-day workshops for companies and organizations interested in implementing OpenADR 2.0, a low-cost, speedy, reliable communications infrastructure that allows utilities and grid operators to send Demand Response (DR) signals directly to building automation and control systems on customers’ sites using a common language and existing communications technology. The workshops are endorsed by the OpenADR Alliance, a nonprofit corporation that promotes the development, adoption and compliance of the standard across the utility industry.

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